Znc Port is 9110
We have a ZNC server for regular users. i am still working out the kinks
and fine tuning the settings. it is entirely operational.

accounts are created upon request.

Here's some quick help about the perform command:

/msg *status loadmod perform (this is probably already loaded for you)

See the perform command help with:
/msg *perform help
<*perform> Commands: add , del , list, execute, swap  
I want to add the command to the znc so it identifies with nickserv
/msg *perform add nick YOURNAME
/msg *perform add msg nickserv identify YOURPASSWORD

Have a vhost setup?
/msg *perform add msg hostserv on

Now I want perform to autojoin channels for me.
/msg *perform add join #channelname

I want to see my list of peform commands:
/msg *perform list

Znc Wiki Command list